Bungalow Germania

Garden State


Garden State
Performance and Installation
Venue: Teatro Fondamenta Nuove / Sestiere Cannaregio, 5013

'Garden State' is a community art project, created by MAMAZA and the residents of Venice, which explores social and urban topics using artistic practices from dance, performance and installation. Permanent rearrangement, mutating light and sound, and events throughout the day transform the spot into a gathering architecture for plants and people. A place to be shared and dreamed together. Please bring a potted plant as a loan to become part of the 'Garden State'.
Open from 10 am till 12 am midnight, free entrance

Concept & Production:
Ioannis Mandafounis
Fabrice Mazliah
May Zarhy
Light & Technic:
Johannes Helberger

Funded by the German Federal Cultural Foundation / Doppelpass Fund
Further Partners and Sponsors:
Auswärtiges Amt
BHF-Bank Stiftung
Kulturfonds FrankfurtRheinMain
Kulturstiftung des Bundes
NPN Nationales Performance Netz
Pro Helvetia
SAC – Staedelschule Architecture Class
Teatro Fondamenta Nuove