Bungalow Germania

state-theatre / translokal #3


state-theatre / translokal #3
Daniel Kötter, Constanze Fischbeck
Exhibition/ Films/ Salon-Conversation
Venue: Teatro Fondamenta Nuove / Sestiere Cannaregio, 5013

Daniel Kötter, video artist and director, and Constanze Fischbeck, set designer and video artist, work where theatre, fine arts and theory meet: “state-theatre” is a set of case-studies which explore the value and relation based on architectural transformation. In a project co-funded by the Goethe-Institut, the two artists visited abandoned and reinterpreted sites in Lagos, Teheran, Berlin, Detroit, Beirut and Mönchengladbach — urban sites which were originally meant as gathering places and once served as monuments of national identity. Their work is a unique presentation of intercultural links and at the same time an enquiry into where actually performance happens/ happened in state-made theatres.
Open from 10 am till 6 pm, free entrance

state-theatre / translokal #3
Daniel Kötter, Constanze Fischbeck
Venue: Teatro Fondamenta Nuove / Sestiere Cannaregio, 5013

As part of the installation, the LAB focuses in an open format on the question of the future of theatre building in an international comparison, concerning examples from Italy, Egypt, China and Germany. Together with architects, theatre practitioners and interested visitors we explore the diversity of approaches.
Open from 04.09. 3 pm till 07.09. 1 pm, within the opening hours of the exhibition
04.09. from 6 pm till 9 pm, free entrance
Constanze Fischbeck
Daniel Kötter
Omar Nagati
Teatro Marinoni
Michael Schindhelm
and others
Further Partners and Sponsors:
Auswärtiges Amt BHF-Bank Stiftung
Kulturfonds FrankfurtRheinMain
Teatro Fondamenta Nuove